
“Be The Voice, Not The Victim”

Short Synopsis/

Based on the testimony of Ifrah Ahmed.

Fleeing war-torn Somalia in 2006, she is trafficked to Ireland where as an asylum-seeking refugee, she undergoes a traumatic medical examination which reveals the extent of her mutilation as a child.

Traumatized by the memory, she turns her experiences into a force for good, emerging as one of the world’s most foremost global activists against Female Genital Mutilation.

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Praesent in efficitur ipsum. Phasellus ut varius eros. Phasellus mauris dolor, pharetra sed pulvinar vitae, venenatis vel elit. Curabitur ultricies velit at odio eleifend iaculis. Donec at leo erat. Nam tincidunt pretium enim, et viverra ligula feugiat in. Donec placerat malesuada pulvinar. Ut ut eros sed nunc ultricies laoreet at porta mi.


Mary McGuckian

Producers: Mary McGuckian, Adrian Politowski

Stars: Aja Naomi King, Barkhad Abdi

“Silence may be the rust on the razor
that threatened to cut my throat, but it
was not my tongue they cut.”

126 mins
Release Date/
4th Dec 2021
“Silence may be the rust on the razorthat threatened to cut my throat, but it was not my tongue they cut.”
126 mins

Release Date/
4th Dec 2021

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